
Polina Kirichenko

contact me at pk1822@nyu.edu
or on twitter

[Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, CV]

I am a PhD candidate at New York University Center for Data Science working with professor Andrew Gordon Wilson. I am also a Visiting Researcher at FAIR Labs (Meta AI) working with Mark Ibrahim and Diane Bouchacourt. During my PhD, I interned at Meta AI, Google DeepMind and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. I received a BS in Computer Science at Higher School of Economics where I worked with professor Dmitry Vetrov. I was also a visiting research student at EPFL with professors Martin Jaggi and Dan Alistarh. I am a recipient of the Google Generation Scholarship and the DeepMind fellowship.

My research focuses on building trustworthy and reliable machine learning models. In particular, I am interested in:

If you are an undergraduate or masters student interested in collaborating on research projects or looking for advice on PhD applications, please reach out!


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